There are multiple ways for you to join us in moving Utah towards zero waste.
It takes a village to move a community towards zero waste, which is why we depend on you - our amazing volunteers - to help us reach every corner of Utah to preserve this beautiful state.
If you share our passion for recycling, we'd love your help! Stay on top of upcoming opportunities by subscribing to our email list and following us on social media.
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at CHaRMs
We host multiple pop-up special collection events of hard-to-recycle items throughout Utah. If you are looking for a more hands-on opportunity to make a difference, this is it!
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Special Events
Educating the community on recycling (especially new residents to Utah) is a round-the-clock job. We regularly attend fun events throughout the state, and we provide training for all volunteers.
Join a Garbage Grab
Not all trash finds its way to a bin, so we regularly host "Garbage Grab" community cleanup events. It is a great way to beautify your city and meet other folks in your community.
Do you love Utah and it's natural beauty as much as we do?!
Join our growing community of zero waste warriors! We are working together to create a cleaner and greener future for Utah and can't do it without the help of amazing people like you!